General conditions

The content of the website is the property of Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o.., Prvomajska ulica 8, 8290 Sevnica, Slovenia (hereinafter: Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o.). By using the website, users accept the published general terms and conditions. Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. and users with general terms and conditions also regulate mutual obligations when shopping in the online store The general conditions are compiled in accordance with the valid Slovenian legislation.

Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. reserves the right to change the general conditions on the website at any time and without prior notice. All changes to the general terms and conditions are binding on users.

1. Limitation of liability

Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. assumes no responsibility for any consequences of using the website and the content included in it. Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. reserves the right to change the content of the website at any time without prior notice and assumes no responsibility for the possible consequences of such changes.

Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. strives to present the most accurate and up-to-date information, but possible errors on the pages of regarding prices, delivery times, product descriptions, etc. does not exclude. The buyer of goods purchased in the online store has the right to a return or complaint (see point 6).

2. Restricted right of use

Visitors may use the content of the website exclusively for personal and non-commercial purposes. Content is copyrighted. Any other use, copying, publication and distribution of web content or their individual parts is without the permission of Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. prohibited.

3. Users registration

You can log in as a registered user in the online store. The contents of the online store are also available to anonymous users. Registered users provide the required information during the registration process. Each registered user gets their own username and password, which is secret. The user is obliged to ensure that he will manage his username and password exclusively by himself or. a person authorized by him. Each user is independently responsible for the content they enter on the pages.

4. Privacy policy

The data provided by the user via the forms on the website or in any other way (via e-mail, telephone, etc.) are confidential and are treated in accordance with the applicable Slovenian legislation. Personal data will be Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. protect and prevent their abuse. Personal data will only be used for the purposes for which the user has given his consent.

The user is also responsible for the protection of personal data by ensuring the security of his username and password.

Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. uses SSL technology to transfer all personal data of the user, which encrypts all information sent with orders. The payment card information you enter in the case of such a method of payment is transferred in encrypted form from your computer directly to the bank's authorization server.

We collect your personal data in accordance with the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection. We process the data only for the purposes of the online store. They are stored securely on our server.

When you shop in our online store, we collect personal information about you that you entered when registering. By subscribing to the e-news, you agree that the personal data you have provided to us will be used to forward e-mails. You can also unsubscribe from the e-news to the e-mail address

Basis on which we collect your personal data:

  • Your explicit consent - from time to time we may ask you for consent to use your personal information for one or more purposes.

  • when necessary for our legitimate business interests - the use of your personal data helps us to manage and improve our business. We also use our personal information to make our communication with you more relevant and tailored to you, and to make your experience with our services and products effective and successful.

5. Procurement procedure oz. purchase

On the website, it is possible to purchase products presented in the online store. These products can also be delivered by a customer from the European Union to a third party within the European Union.

The order in the online store is placed when the user receives an automatic electronic notification. This electronic notification did not confirm that the product was in stock or that shipment had begun. 

In the event that the ordered product is not in stock or that the order cannot be executed for other reasons, the user will be notified by e-mail.

Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. will treat confirmed orders on as irrevocable. In the event of an error, the customer can cancel the order at no additional cost until the receipt of an electronic notification that the order has been confirmed.

Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. may reject the order if it suspects that the website has been misused. By executing the order, the customer confirms that he has been acquainted with the general terms and conditions and that he has been explicitly reminded of them.

If the desired color and size cannot be selected in the drop-down list, this means that there is no such combination of the item not in stock.

6. Prices

All prices are in euros (EUR) and are tied to the country. Prices include value added tax (VAT).

When buying, prices and discounts apply at the time of placing the order. Prices are valid until the publication of a new price list in the online store The validity periods of the special offer in the online store are listed in the online store. The stated prices are valid only for purchases in the Kopitarn online store and may differ from the prices at Kopitarna points of sale.

Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. the taxable person is identified for VAT purposes in Slovenia.

In accordance with the Value Added Tax Act (ZDDV-1), the Rules on the Implementation of the Value Added Tax Act ZDDV-1_PIZDDV and the explanation of the Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 4230-8830 / 2011-2.7.2011 is Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. as a seller when selling products online, he is obliged to charge VAT on the supply of products:

  • customers in Slovenia,

  • customers from European Union countries.

Third-country buyers who are not members of the European Union are not subject to value added tax (VAT). However, these buyers are obliged to pay all costs related to the customs clearance of goods, including all import duties, in accordance with the applicable legislation of the country of import, which they are explicitly reminded of at the time of purchase.

7. Methods of payment in the online store

There are four possible payment methods for customers in Slovenia:

  • Cash on delivery is valid only for orders and shipping in Slovenia

      • Payment via PayPal

When paying via Paypal, you will be redirected to the PayPal page where you will make the payment.

      • payment by payment cards

Payment with Visa, Mastercard. The MasterCard® SecureCard system is in use ™.

      • bank transfer with payment by proforma invoice

Make the payment to our bank account. Please use your order number and number 10795 as a reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have been credited to our account.

Account name: Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o., Prvomajska ulica 8, 8290 Sevnica
No. TRR account: SI56 0400 1004 9163 857
Sort code: CMDT
Bank name: NKBM D.D, Ulica Vita Kraigherja 4, Maribor

8. Packaging and delivery

Slovenia Avstralia
  Czech republic
  Great Britain

A flat rate is charged for delivery depending on the place of delivery (country). For customers from countries that are members of the European Union, VAT is charged on the amount of delivery. VAT is not charged on customers from countries that are not members of the European Union. See table below.

Delivery price list via Pošta Slovenije for customers from countries that are members of the European Union

CountryDelivery price in EUR (not including VAT)
Slovenija 4,50
Croatia 3,55

Warning for buyers from countries that are not members of the European Union: Buyers are obliged to pay all costs related to import customs clearance of goods, including all import duties, in accordance with the applicable legislation of the importing country, which they are explicitly reminded of at the time of purchase.

Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. assumes no responsibility for any delays on the part of the delivery person. Delivery price list can Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. change at any time. Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. selects another delivery service if this will make the order more efficient.

9. Delivery deadline

Goods delivery deadline is between 3-10 work days.

10. Complaints

In case of problems or complaints, customers can contact the ungulate via the telephone number 07 81 63 400 or by e-mail at

11. Actual error

The seller must deliver the goods to the consumer in accordance with the contract and is liable for material errors in its performance.

The error is real:

1. if the thing does not have the properties necessary for its normal use or for marketing;

2. if the thing does not have the properties necessary for the special use for which the buyer is buying it, but which was known to the seller or should have been known to him;

3. if the thing does not have properties and qualities that have been explicitly or tacitly agreed or prescribed;

4. if the seller has delivered a thing which does not match the pattern or model, unless the pattern or model was shown only for the purpose of notification.

The suitability of goods for normal use shall be assessed in the light of normal goods of the same type and taking into account any seller's statements on the characteristics of the goods made by the seller or manufacturer, in particular through advertising, product presentation or indications on the goods themselves.

The consumer may exercise his rights arising from a material defect if he notifies the seller of the defect within two months of the day on which the defect was discovered.

The consumer must describe the defect in more detail in the error notice and allow the seller to inspect the thing.

The consumer may notify the seller of the defect in person, of which the seller must issue a certificate, or send it to the store where the item was purchased, or to the seller's representative with whom he has concluded a contract.

The seller is not liable for material defects in the goods that appear after two years have elapsed since the thing was delivered.

A defect in things shall be deemed to have already existed at the time of extradition if it occurs within six months of extradition.

A consumer who has duly notified the seller of a defect has the right to require the seller to:

rectify the defect in the goods, or

replace defective goods with new faultless goods, or

- returns the amount paid.

In any case, the consumer also has the right to demand compensation from the seller, and in particular reimbursement of costs of materials, spare parts, labor, transfer and transport of products arising from the fulfillment of obligations under the previous paragraph of this article.

The consumer's rights referred to in the first paragraph shall expire two years after the day on which he informed the seller of the material defect.

The buyer asserts a material defect by notifying the seller of any material defect together with a detailed description of the material defect at his own expense within the statutory period and enabling the seller to inspect the item. The form for reporting a material error can be found here.


12. Right to withdraw from the contract

The consumer (this applies only to natural persons who acquire the item for purposes outside their gainful activity) has the right to notify the seller within 14 days of receipt of the items that he withdraws from the contract without having to give a reason for his decision. The deadline starts one day after the date of receipt of the items.

Withdrawal from the contract is notified by the consumer to the seller's e-mail address: The form for withdrawal from the contract of articles is available to users here.

In case of withdrawal from the contract, the consumer returns the received item or by mail to the seller's address: Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o., Prvomajska ulica 8, 8290 Sevnica or bring it in person to one of the seller's collection points.

The return of the received items to the company within the deadline for withdrawal from the contract is considered a notice of withdrawal from the contract.

The consumer is responsible for the reduction of the value of the goods if the reduction in value is the result of conduct that is not necessarily necessary to determine the nature, properties and functioning of the goods (Article 43.d. ZVPot).

The only cost borne by the consumer in connection with the withdrawal from the contract is the cost of returning the items (which in the case of shipping is charged according to the price list of the delivery service and depends on whether it is a shipment / package / cargo). The item must be returned to the seller no later than 14 days after the notification of withdrawal from the contract (purchase), but it can be extended to 30 days in favor of the consumer.

The consumer shall not be entitled to withdraw from contracts for contracts which have as their object a product which has been manufactured to the exact instructions of the consumer and which has been adapted to his personal needs and which, by its nature, is not eligible for repayment. best before. There is no possibility of withdrawal from the contract when purchasing software or audio and video media if the consumer has opened the security seal.

The possibility of withdrawal from the contract is given in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act. In the case of distance contracts, each consumer has the right to notify the provider in writing within 14 days of purchase that he is withdrawing from the contract, without having to give a reason for his decision. if he sends it within the time limit set for withdrawal from the contract. The full costs of sending and / or returning the goods in case of return are covered by the buyer, in case of withdrawal from the contract the company immediately or no later than 14 days after receipt of notice of withdrawal returns all payments received. The company shall return the payments received to the consumer by the same means of payment as used by the consumer, unless the consumer has explicitly requested the use of another means of payment and the consumer does not incur any costs as a result. In sales contracts, the company may withhold the refund of payments received until the returned goods are accepted or until the consumer provides proof that the goods have been returned, unless the company offers the option to take over the returned goods itself.

If the consumer has already received the goods and withdraws from the contract, he shall return them or hand them over to the company or a person authorized by the company to take over the goods, immediately or within 14 days of notification. The consumer is considered to return the goods on time if he sends them before the expiry of the 14-day return period.

Upon withdrawal from a contract where a bonus, discount code or promotional code has been used, these funds are considered a discount and are not returned to the user. Only the amount paid is returned to the user's bank account, and at the same time the used bonus or promotional code in the form of a new code is returned to the user. Upon withdrawal from the contract, the gift voucher is considered as a means of payment and returned to the user as a gift voucher, and the amount paid is returned to the user's bank account.

In exceptional cases, when the items are not returned in accordance with the ZVPot, we can offer the consumer the purchase of the item with the appropriate compensation, which is determined by the minutes upon return. Discounted redemption is taken into account upon confirmation by the consumer by e-mail. The consumer uses the said redemption only when ordering another item of the same or higher value.

The right to a refund of the purchase price in the event of a warranty claim and factual errors is regulated in more detail by the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (unofficial consolidated text).

We do not have any competent IRPS provider recognized for resolving out-of-court disputes. However, the consumer can contact


The buyer is obliged to take over the item delivered to the seller for warranty or other treatment after the end of the treatment. The buyer picks up the item at the pick-up point, where he personally handed it over to the seller, and in case he sent it by post, it will be returned to the delivery address.

The seller sends the buyer a notice of the return of the item from consideration and invites him to take over the item. The buyer is obliged to pick up the item within 14 days from the date of notification.

If the buyer does not take over the item within the specified period, the item is handed over for storage to the seller at the address of his warehouse: Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o., Prvomajska ulica 8, 8290 Sevnica. The seller keeps the item in its own warehouse until 6 months from the date of notification. For this period, the seller has the right to reimbursement of all storage costs (1 € / day) and the right to reimbursement of all costs necessary to maintain the item.

After 6 months from the date of notification, the seller can sell the item through the online store and transfer the amount of the purchase price, after deducting sales and other costs of the seller, to the buyer. In the event that the value of the item is insignificant, the seller may donate it to charity and in this case the buyer is not obliged to return any. 15 days before the expiry of the 6-month retention period, the seller notifies the buyer of the intended sale or gift of the item, and after the sale also of the achieved price and amount of costs and the transfer of the remaining purchase price to the buyer's transaction account.

14. Purchase procedure

1. Order

The customer finds and selects the items and their attributes (color, size number, etc.) on the website that he wants to buy. He adds these items to the cart and continues the purchase with the completion of the purchase. At the end of the purchase, he enters personal data and the delivery address, selects the delivery and payment methods available and completes the purchase. Before completing the purchase, the customer has the opportunity to check the contents of the cart and other costs (postage, commissions), which will be included in the purchase price. The customer then receives an e-mail notification of the accepted order. The seller will notify the buyer of the shipment of goods by e-mail. If it turns out that the stock was not accurate and the item is not in stock, the seller will notify the buyer and the buyer may decide to withdraw from the contract and cancel the order (in part or in full). If the goods are no longer available, the seller may reject the buyer's order because the item is not available. The customer's order expires on the day of rejection. Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. does not assume any responsibility for damage that would occur due to longer delivery times or due to non-delivery of items that Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. not in stock.

2. Shipped order / ready for collection

Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o. prepares the item within the agreed deadline and sends it or prepares it for collection. The customer is notified by e-mail. In the event that the buyer decides to cancel the order in time, the seller must immediately notify the telephone number 07 81 63 400 or by e-mail to If it happens that the order has already been shipped, the buyer rejects the shipment to the delivery service. In the case of personal collection (when the item is ready for collection), the buyer also notifies his wish to cancel the order via the above-mentioned telephone number or by the above e-mail.

3. Contract

Seller Kopitarna Sevnica d.o.o., will save the text of the contract and will be available to the buyer upon request.

Shopping cart
